The Talented Tenth Enterprises is an active realization of the concept of W.E.B Du Bois. Our purpose is to facilitate a network of progressive, dynamic leaders within the professional world while focusing on the concept of group economics and community leadership. We also strive to elevate the level of consciousness and infuse our brand of culture into the hearts and minds of our immediate communities.

What I’m really speaking about is walking in purpose and what that means for us. The “Us,” I am referring to in this context is today’s young black professional. We live in a challenging time socially. We’ve matriculated through a world in which we think we’ve achieved access. We find ourselves faced with the fact that we’ve gained the right to be present (education, credentials, etc.), but we’re still not accepted in the workplace.
The feeling you have is unmatched. It’s the 5th Annual Derby Affair. The theme of this monumental anniversary celebration is being present in the moment. It means taking the time to reconnect with an old friend. It means joining new ones for a dance or a drink. It also means putting your phones down and living in the moment.
It's spring, and you know what that means?! Warmer weather, longer days, and spring fashion! Preview the latest in Derby fashion as you prepare for another Talented Tenth experience.
When people talk about fashion they like to start with the do’s and don’ts, but at The Bello Mo Group we like to focus on the do’s. Fashion should always be about doing you. Check our fresh for tips on how to you secure your look for another trendsetting Derby Affair.
Being moderately cognizant in the past year news about the boom, the bust, and the lure of becoming a Bitcoin millionaire has become infectious. Kill your curiosity about Bitcoin and learn what all this money from the clouds is about.
In a moment of reflection most recently after the Derby I found myself in a space of peace, admiration, and gratitude of the continued support from my friends. It’s not just a party. It’s a way of life!
Let's try to look past the obvious racial undertones of such campaign slogans. There's some truth in it, but President Trump’s target demographic is taking this literally. America is supposed to be a safe place where your rights and freedoms are protected, right? But bigotry seems to be BLOWING UP and is unfortunately overshadowing basic humanity.
This film did a fantastic job remaining broad and focusing on NWA as a whole, highlighting the cultural significance and impact they had on all of America. There are many underlying issues addressed and ignored, but let’s not forget the issues that Black America refuses to acknowledge.
In trend with the rising popularity of the eclectic single from new artist Jidenna, the image of the "classic man" seems to be having a much needed resurgence. This one is for the culture because it’s not just improving how "they see us" but how "we see us."