....And The Gang is All Here

Photo Courtesy of The Talented Tenth

Photo Courtesy of The Talented Tenth

Picture this. It is a beautiful 82 degrees in Jacksonville, Florida. The sun is out, there is not a cloud in the sky, and the breeze coming from Jax beach is just enough to keep you cool. You take a Lyft to Top Golf, because you know what is about to go down once you step inside. Out of your ride you step, colorfully and meticulously dressed for The Affair.

Photo Courtesy of The Talented Tenth Enterprises

Photo Courtesy of The Talented Tenth Enterprises

You arrive fashionably late because, well…it takes time to look this fly. You take the elevator to the third floor, make a right, and the gang is all here. You see your best friends hanging out by the bar, they’re already on their second round of unlimited drinks. You grab your first drink, look up, and see one of your favorite attorneys about to grab an appetizer off of a passing tray, so you stop by to say hi, grab a snack, and catch up for a minute. After the two of you make plans for happy hour next week, you see your favorite couples challenging one another to a round of golf. You grab your favorite club, the 5 Iron, and join their game. A few minutes later, you hear DJ X playing Beyonce’s rendition of “Before I let go”, and you join the masses on the terrace.

Ericka Durant Curls Curves & Convo

For the next 4 minutes, you are all line dancing, two stepping, and singing out loud. You look around and everyone is enjoying themselves. There is lots of laughter, smiling, and good spirits flowing in the atmosphere. You take a moment to yourself and look out into the crowd. Everyone looks good, everyone is feeling good, and most importantly, we are all living in the moment. You realize these moments with friends don’t come as often as they used to, so it is important to cherish the time. You meet back up with your friends, so you can digitally capture these memories. After a mini photoshoot on the rooftop, you all return to the party. All phones are down, and all attention is up. The feeling you have is unmatched. This is the 5th Annual Derby Affair. The theme of this monumental anniversary celebration is being present in the moment. It means taking the time to reconnect with an old friend. It means joining new ones for a dance or a drink. It also means putting your phones down and living in the moment. But don’t worry, there will be a photographer there to get those pictures of you looking all fly. So this year, grab your friends or your partner, get dressed to the nines, and come out and have a feel good time with The Talented 10th. See you there! 

XO Beautiful people, 

- Ericka Durant