
So what's this all about?

In a moment of reflection most recently after the Derby I found myself in a space of peace, admiration, and gratitude of the continued support from my friends. I really took the time to explore the question what are you about? What are the principles and ideals you hope to spread and share with the world. I was surprised by how quickly I was able to garner a clear and decisive answer. My life is all about Knowledge, Respect, and Love. Things I equally enjoy sharing, receiving, and reciprocating. The Tenth will ALWAYS exemplify those ideals simply because of who WE are.

If I had to say what my most prized and valuable asset is, it is undoubtedly my network. My family, friends, colleagues, and classmates are a representation of my positive relationships. I wear these relationships and partnerships with pride and hold them in high reverence.  In these photographs you have some of the most respected young professionals in our city. Doctors, lawyers, engineers, authors, etc. I, too, was raised here in Jacksonville and educated on the highest of seven hills in Tallahassee, Florida at Florida A&M University. I've always come from a community that does not rely solely on outside help. We instead educate, employ, and serve our community. This is more than just a party its a commitment to each other's improvement. It's bigger than 'lift as you climb' because that implies it's not equally rewarding to invest in someone else's progression. We, instead, grow with each other to build more partnerships and mutually tackle tough issues. It's now OUR time. There are no more great leaders. We need each other!

This years donation was made toward The Capstone Institute. Last years donation was made to Building Powerful Minds BPM (youth mentorship). There's always something that can be done, whether it's active or passive. Passive, for example, is getting dressed up and dropping $20 to attend an event that will grant someone access to post secondary education. Active, on the other hand, is directly supporting these community initiatives through volunteering. The Talented Tenth Enterprises looks to do both. Each event is sponsored by and cultivated for young professional minorities. We thereby funnel business to one another while galvanizing our target demographic to join in on community efforts, all while having a great time. More importantly, the majority of this accomplished pool, just like me, are Jacksonville natives. This image is not something really thought of when you think about the stereotypes associated with the Jacksonville social scene.

Events thus far have highlighted various community initiatives with all proceeds going directly to support our local causes. But as the demand for quality events for young professionals seems to grow, The Talented Tenth Enterprises would like to help fill that gap. We will be hosting more events solely for the purpose of bringing together like minded individuals in a positive environment to share dope vibes. We will continue to make new partnerships and build relationships with local business. This is not senseless memes and pseudo woke hashtags, this is actual time, effort, and love. Each one of the organizations that we support are continual partnerships in our community. Not some link to an unknown national non-profit. They are things you can pull up on at any time and donate your time and see our efforts at work. The Tenth will continue to support Attorney Vernon Jackson and the Building Powerful Minds youth empowerment organization. We will continue to be mentors, tutors, photographers, etc. Whatever is needed in serving a worthy cause. We will continue to support my classmate Dr. Albert Chester as he grows and needs continuous support. Whether it's continuos support of The Capstone Institute Scholarship Foundation through fundraisers and drives, or even stepping in to teach a class he can't make. It doesn't matter, we do what we can. This is a group community effort. That's the difference between us and them.

- Doc